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Thursday - November 10, 2011

AxisPointe Names Stan Luhr as CEO to Expand Its Builder Risk Management & Quality Platform

Stan Luhr takes over as AxisPointe's new CEO, Company will Leverage Its Risk Management Software to Run on the New IPhone Operating System for Instant Sharing of Field Operations, Quality and Risk Data as it Expands Services in Canada and Abroad.

For additional information, please view the official public release.


Wednesday - May 18, 2011

Contest Winners!

At this year's West Coast Casualty Technology Fair we ran a "Name the Defect" contest at our defect exhibit located in the center of the exhibition area.

The contestants were asked to label as many defects they could find on our exhibit which was built with intentional defects. The contestant who correctly identified the most defects wins an iPod NANO! We have tallied up the results and we now have a winner!

Congratulations to Rick Bush for correctly identifying the most defects!

We also ran a business card raffle at our main booth for an iPod NANO as well. One business card was randomly selected from the ones that we received and we have a winner!

Congratulations to Joyce J. Kapsal, an attorney with Epsten, Grinnell & Howell!

Thank you all for your participation!


Thursday - May 12, 2011


The West Coast Casualty Technology Fair is currently in progress!

Stop by our display located at the center of the exhibit hall! View our new and improved defect exhibit, live demonstrations of the various tools we utilize in the field, and take a shot at winning an iPod NANO by taking part in our Defect contest! Don't miss out!


Tuesday - April 12, 2011


A hand-picked panel of Construction Forensic Experts will be sharing Industry Secrets at the Upcomming Symposium!

Click here to view the press release.


Wednesday - March 3, 2011

 Stan Luhr has been selected to host a special Experts Panel at this years West Coast Casualty Seminar!

Click here to view the press release.

Click here to view Mr. Luhr's "If Expert's Coul Rule the World" article published in the West Coast Casualty Seminar 2010 Syllabus.

To find out more about our upcoming events, click here.


Monday - February 21, 2011

Stan Luhr Ends Relationship with Quality Built - Click here to view the release!


Pacific Property Consultants launches their new website!


© 2015 Pacific Property Consultants, Inc®
2030 Gillespie Way, Suite 107, El Cajon, CA 92020 - P: (877) 536-4470